choke off

美 [tʃoʊk ɔːf]英 [tʃəʊk ɒf]
  • 抑制,限制(经济增长)
choke offchoke off

choke off


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 抑制,限制(经济增长)
    To choke off financial growth means to restrict or control the rate at which a country's economy can grow.

    They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.



He choked down his rage
Synonym: choke down choke back
become or cause to become obstructed
The leaves clog our drains in the Fall
The water pipe is backed up
Synonym: clog clog up back up congest choke foul


  1. Gazprom 's warning came as the western countries ' energy watchdog said high oil prices were needed to choke off demand and bring the market into balance .


  2. The IEA said in its monthly report : Supply growth so far this year has been poor and higher prices are needed to choke off demand to balance the market .


  3. They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery .


  4. Higher energy prices could choke off any global economic recovery .


  5. To choke off their ability to function effectively .


  6. Air quality problems choke off views , poison plants , and even foul water .


  7. The first chance to choke off the flow for good should come in about a week .


  8. which choke off the neurons from the inside .


  9. Countries that make an early break run the risk that higher rates and a stronger currency choke off the recovery .


  10. They do not want to choke off nascent markets , for understandable competitive reasons .


  11. This would choke off supplies of fresh credit to the economy and lead to a more severe downturn .


  12. When did the enemy choke off our supplies ?


  13. Treasury borrowing of existing savings would drive up the interest rate and choke off economic activity ( Paul Craig Roberts )


  14. In India , it is that failure to modernise the country 's creaking infrastructure will choke off growth .


  15. But over the summer and fall , tightened local lending collided with the global financial crisis to choke off easy credit .


  16. He predicted that rapid spending cuts would choke off the economic recovery that was under way when the chancellor took office in2010 .


  17. In practice , the extra inspections of shipping containers and the campaign to choke off terror finance made hardly any difference .


  18. Meanwhile , mushrooming mortgage losses at various federally controlled lenders could choke off some of the credit flowing to households .


  19. The FBI 's decision to release new details about its investigation into Mrs Clinton 's use of a private email server could choke off the trend .


  20. That reluctance reflects fears that higher rates could choke off domestic recovery and push up Asian currencies against the US dollar , harming trade prospects .


  21. Yet it is also essential that nations resist the temptation to overcorrect by imposing regulations that would stifle innovation and choke off growth .


  22. They believe governments will prove reluctant to introduce overly onerous transaction taxes or limits in case they choke off vital foreign investment or trigger capital flight .


  23. Inflationary pressures could force East Asian central banks to tighten monetary policy " sooner rather than later " to choke off emerging asset bubbles , the World Bank warned yesterday .


  24. Nevertheless , the growing interest from investors is a sign of stabilisation , making it less likely that worsening commercial real estate conditions will sink banks and choke off a US recovery .


  25. When governments do that * they impose costs on households , they impose costs on businesses , they choke off markets and they get the exact opposite effect of what they want .


  26. As Gaddafi forces seek to choke off the town – the last stand of'Free'Libya in the west of the country – an information blackout has reigned , cutting power supplies and phone networks .


  27. World trade was surprisingly resilient over the summer but the growth rate remains on a negative trend as the global economic downturn threatens to choke off demand , according to an indicator of international goods commerce .


  28. However , there are concerns that sharp falls in major Asian equity markets could damp investor sentiment and choke off this source of growth just as global fund groups gear up for a major sales drive .


  29. The procedure would effectively choke off the lines and openings of the old blowout preventer that failed to shut off the flow of oil after the explosion on the drilling rig in April .


  30. Moscow is seeking to prevent Europe from re-exporting Russian gas to Ukraine , threatening to choke off a lifeline for Kiev and deepen the energy crunch it faces this winter .
